Why Gardening Is Healthy

The art of gardening has always been an engaging, fun activity that anyone can involve themselves in at any point in their lives and age. In fact, backyard patio builders deeply value the importance of having a garden area because of the overloading benefits that this outdoor space can give to anyone, especially to those who see gardening as a passion and not just a hobby.


Starting a garden can give a person numerous benefits, and after finding out what those benefits area, might make them wonder why they did push through with that hobby way before. Actually, you do not need to have a bigger yard for a garden, it can start from the smallest area until it thrives in the long run.

For garden enthusiasts, they see their garden area as a place where they can utilize their creativity. The factors in deciding what to plant, how to arrange them, and how the garden should look all needs the right amount creativity and genuine innovation.


It is not by chance that gardens of different sizes and forms are being developed in hospitals, prisons, at-risk youth, community centers for the homeless, and nursing homes. It turns out that the engagement a person gives to gardening – whether it’s simply watering the plants, weeding, and pruning slowly improves their deep sense of well-being and gives them the chance of enjoying the health benefits that it mainly provides.

  • Stress-Relief and Self-Esteem

There was a study done where two groups were asked to complete a stressful activity. After the activity, one group devoted their time in a 30-minute gardening session, while the other group stayed indoors and spend their time reading. Results show that the gardening group manifested better moods and their cortisol levels decreased impressively compared to the reading group. Cortisol is the “stress hormone”. In this case, it could be the brain hormones that may have caused the improvement of self-esteem levels for the gardening group, but researchers believed that there could be a more contributing factor and their exposure to the plants could be the major one.

  • Heart Health and Stroke Risk

You can consider gardening as one of your options in achieving your target of 2 to 3 hours of rigid exercise every week were in fact, gardening can even provide you with more benefits that can motivate you than killing yourself on a treadmill. A study showed that regular gardening activity can cut heart attack risk and stroke by more than 30% for individuals aging 60 and above. Building leveled planting beds can save your joints which can lengthen the gardening years for seniors that are hooked on this hobby. A 10-minute exposure to the sun during midday gardening is enough for the body to have the right amount of Vitamin D that helps in the reduction of heart disease, osteoporosis, and other forms of cancers.

  • Hand Strength and Dexterity

As you age, the strength in your hands and dexterity gradually decreases limiting you from activities that you used to do and can do. Gardening is one of the best ways to keep those hand muscles working and active. In fact, there are some rehabilitative programs for stroke patients involves gardening, which is a satisfying and productive activity that can help in rebuilding the strength and ability of the muscles. Although too much gardening exposure can also cause tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and stress injuries. Incorporating healthy gardening with simple warm-ups, comfortably positioning the body and switching tasks more often. Make it a habit to use your left and right hand alternately to balance your body and to keep your brain functioning.

  • Depression and Mental Health

This may sound cliché but a lot of people have testified that they feel relieved and lifted every time they tend to their gardens. The combination of awareness of their surroundings, physical activity, the satisfaction of their work, and cognitive stimulation are some of the factors that aid those with mental illness and depression. Planting scented, food-producing, and flowering plants are the best combination that can feed into the senses of people dealing with mental health issues and depression.


Exposing yourself to gardening can also improve your immune system and brain health and can minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s. You see, surrounding yourself with growing plants of various types can elevate your awareness to nature and it’s magic. Your patio contractors Long Island can help build you a garden area with plant beds where you can plant and watch your seedlings grow and thrive just like you. Because, as they grow wonderfully because of your care, you too, grow together with them by choosing to better and healthier as you age.

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