DIY Vs Professional Patio Installation

A patio is a perfect outdoor living space that makes partying or relaxing better. If you’re considering to install a patio in your backyard, which route you should take? DIY installation or hiring a patio builder. The former may be tempting given that you’ll save money, but is it? So, before you commit, here is a comparison between them.

How To Decide Between DIY And Professional Patio Installation?


First and foremost, you need to think about the time it will take to complete the project.

DIY Patio Installation

If you’re thinking of a DIY installation of your patio, and you’re someone who knows some handy work around the house, then it can take you anywhere between two to three weeks to complete. There may be pauses and you might not to be able to do it smoothly from start to finish because you may have other things to do like work, family stuff, and more.

So, you’ll probably do the work over at the weekends, which will take a lot of time to complete even more than 4 weeks. Therefore, if you’re someone who wants work done fast, then you might want to think about other ways.

Professional Patio Installation

A professional patio installation will take about a week or two at most. Since you’re hiring a contractor, the team will work day in and day out for the timely completion of the work. If you’re super busy and can’t find the time to do a DIY project, then you should hand the work over to the big guys. You’ll be satisfied with the work and you won’t even have to lift a finger.

Quality Of Work

The next thing to consider when thinking about building a patio by yourself or going down the professional route is the quality and result.

DIY Patio Installation

Even if you’re good at doing things around the house, that still doesn’t mean that your work quality will be the same as someone who has a lot of experience in this singular field and makes a living out of it.

DIY installation is going to look a bit sloppy and if you’re completely new to the entire DIY realm, then now isn’t the time to experiment unless you’ve made up your mind to be fine with so-so results.

Professional Patio Installation

The professional installation of a patio will speak for itself. The work will be far better, from the measurements to the design and from the base to the actual placement of the pavers. Professional contractors make it a habit to give the best results to their clients because that’s literally what their job relies on. So, if you want great results and exceptional quality of work, then you know which option you have to choose.

The Budget

This is probably the most important thing to consider when people think about patio installation.

DIY Patio Installation

Usually, a DIY installation is opted when you want to cut down on costs. A patio installation isn’t something astronomical as far as costs are concerned, but if you’re remodeling or adding a lot of things at the same time, then your budget might not allow it. This is why you may want to resort to DIY patio installation.

Professional Patio Installation

While professional installation can give amazing results and the work is done by someone who’s experienced, it’s still going to be an expensive route to go down. You will need to make a budget for it, otherwise you won’t be able to afford it because apart from the materials, you will have to bear the installation cost.

If you’re just remodeling or adding a patio in your outdoor space, then you can leap and invest in a professional contractor because they will take the load off your shoulders and you’ll get what you want within a couple of days.


This is another time-related thing and this can turn things around for you.

DIY Patio Installation

If you want things to flow according to your schedule and you want zero interruptions in your way of work, then you might want to opt for DIY installation. In a DIY patio installation, the time is yours and the schedule can be set according to your preference. You can also set the time when you want to do certain things and when you install the patio.

Professional Patio Installation

On the other hand, professional installation is great for people who don’t mind when and how the work starts and progresses. The only thing that matters is that the work is done in record time and that the results are great. If you don’t care for a schedule too much and already have too much on your plate or want things to be done quickly, then go for a professional patio installation. You won’t regret it.


DIY Patio Installation

A patio installation sounds fun and games, but certain parts will require a closer look at the details. It’s not just about installing the pavers on a raised foundation. You need to think about the base, the water drainage, the right materials, and everything in between. In a DIY installation, these things can easily slip through the cracks and even though you might be good at this, you still might not be able to nail everything down.

Professional Patio Installation

This is where professional installation takes the lead. Contractors and professional patio workers have years upon years of experience in this specific field and it’s something that they know like the back of their hand.

So, if you want a patio that will outlast everything else, then you need to opt for professional installation. You’ll get great results. Everything from the initial measurements to the final installation of the pavers will be taken care of, and you’ll just need to pay them at the end of the day. Sounds amazing, right?

Experience Matters

DIY Patio Installation

This factor also ties in with the previous one. DIYing is easy and it’s not rocket science, but you need to have an eye for detail if you want to give the patio a professional look. DIY installation may be inexpensive, but the results can be clear as day, especially if you’re someone who isn’t cut for handy work, then you might not want to get your hands dirty.

Professional Patio Installation

If you opt professional installation of the patio, the work will be much better and you’ll love the look of it. There is a clear distinction between a patio that’s been DIYed and one that was professionally built.

Is It Worth It?

Some people love DIY work, while others do it out of desperation to save costs. They end up with a backache, sore muscles, and a so-so patio. So, it boils down to you. Ask yourself: Is DIY installation worth it? You can ask the same thing about professional patio installation. No doubt, professional work can also run expensive, but you’ll need to gauge which is better than the other. If you are confident in your skills, then go ham with DIY patio installation, otherwise, it’s professional patio installation all the way because you want you patio to last with minimal repair requirements.


Patio installation can be done either way. If you’re someone who can find their way around a DIY project, then great, otherwise you might want to resort consult patio contractors Long Island for professional installation.

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