Retaining Wall Contractors: Steps To Follow When Installing The Retaining Wall

retaining wall contractors

Are you looking to install a retaining wall in your yard? Here are the steps that you should follow as given by retaining wall contractors:

Step 1. Plan the construction

Just like when doing anything else, you need to have a plan of how to install the retaining wall. You need to decide where you will install the unit. You also need to think about the materials you will use in work.

You should note that the materials you use, depend on the location and nature of the landscape. If you aren’t sure of the right materials that you should go with, get the input of an experienced contractor.

Step 2. Prepare the stones

Most people prefer installing concrete retaining walls as they are strong and durable. To install an ideal wall, you should prepare the stones by cutting them by scoring them on all four sides. The best tools to use in work is a chisel and small sledge. The purpose of scoring the stone is to offset the seams of the wall.

All you need to do is to place a chisel on the scored line and strike it sharply. By doing this, the stone will break along the scored line. You should confirm if the line is level. If it isn’t, adjust it accordingly.

Step 3. Lay the stones

You should then lay the stones and make the wall as tall as you want it to. You should note that when you lay two courses, you need to backfill the trench with some dirt that you had excavated earlier.

For the wall to be strong, you should interlock the layers using half stone. Once you have raised the wall to its maximum height, lay a landscaping fabric behind the wall. You should extend the fabric so that it goes a few feet beyond the wall and reach the hill. This is to prevent any soil from getting to the wall.

Step 4. Restore the soil

Once you are done, you should restore the soil. You also should add topsoil and level it. To avoid the topsoil from going to waste, consider putting a terrace garden along the wall.


These are the steps that you should follow when installing a retaining wall in your yard. You can install the unit on your own if you have masonry skills, but if you don’t, you should hire a masonry contractor to help you out. To get the most, ensure that the contractor is experienced enough.

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