Poolside Fun Activities For All Ages

Thinking of some exciting activities you can do this summer? It’s actually the season many are looking forward to, especially kids. And this is just perfect to throw a pool party. Since your pool builders have made your outdoor pool area a perfect sanctuary for any occasion, why not make use of it and start gathering up your tribe. This is also a great opportunity to bond with friends and kids as it is also your way of creating a tradition that you can pass on to the next generation.

A Gamezone By The Pool

Although you can just take your whole family to the beach, gathering your friends and just have some fun by the pool area is much better than watching people by the beach, don’t you think? Here are some fun-filled swimming pool games that both kids and adults can play.

  1. The Mermaid Race

You may know this as the dolphin or submarine race. This is more of a “hold your breath underwater challenge” and whoever can swim the longest underwater while holding his breath, wins.

  1. Find the Invisi-bottle Game

All you need is 1 empty 2-liter plastic bottle with either a white cap or the one that matches your pool tiles. Fill the bottle with pool water. Prepare your players by having them lined up on the pool deck with their backs facing the water. You can have as many players as you wanted. The moment you drop the bottle on the water is the players’ queue to turn around and start looking for the bottle. It’s quite challenging because the bottle mimics the bottom of the tile. Whoever finds it first, wins.

  1. The Shark in the Pool

This is another way of playing tag. In this pool game, players are allowed to get in and out of the water. The shark is the “it” and will try to tag players while in the water. Whoever the shark gets to tag becomes the new “it”. Players only have 5 seconds to stay out of the water while giving the shark time to catch them.

The More Players The More Fun It Is!

Here are more swimming pool games and activities you can do with your entire pact.

  1. Treasure Hunt

Have the kids lined up above the pool deck. You can have 2 teams for this game. After you throw coins or small items that can sink to the bottom, players can then dive in to look for the items or coins. The 1st team who gets to collect more items wins.

  1. The Popsicle Game

Another exciting team game of tag, but you have to freeze in the water if you’re tagged with your hands above your head like a popsicle stick. The twist is, if a player is underwater, they cannot be tagged and they can also swim to their “popsicle” team members to unfreeze them.

  1. The Bumper Balls

Divide an area of the pool by using a rope. All players holding a beach ball should hop into that section of the pool. On your mark, players will start using their beach balls to bump the other players until they touch the rope. The player who touches the rope leaves the pool. Just like bumper cars, keep on playing until one bumper ball remains and will be hailed winner.

Other Poolside Game Themes

  • The Floating Sponges

Collect as many colorful sponges of all shapes as you can and place them in the pool. Have your players or guests collect them by tossing it on a floating hula hoop on the other edge of the pool area.

  • Push that Watermelon

Have your guests form 2 teams. The first team that pushes the watermelon across the other edge of the pool without their feet touching the floor, wins!


Fun Notes

Pool party doesn’t have to be all swimming, eating and drinking alone. Having a few fun games and activities will give your party an extra blast. Kids will have fun too, and be able to make friends with each other. In a few years time, you will be surprised that the generation after you is doing exactly the same things your generation is doing today, why? Because they’ve seen it from their parents. It now becomes a legacy that will be passed on to the next generation too. Your pool contractors Long Island did a pretty good job of creating your pool area a great place for amusing activities. So the next time you throw a pool party again, you will never run out of ideas on how to amuse your guests.

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