Common Gardening Mistakes, and Ways to Maintain Your Garden


It’s nice to have a garden in your home. You can have your own produce in your own backyard. Or perhaps grow some flowers and shrubs that will make your house look closer to nature. You can also make a good patio area in it. In such a case, you can contact professional patio builders to beautify your dream garden.

A lot of people think gardening is only for homemakers and the elderly. As part of the working class, we tend to focus more on our house interiors and would rather not get our hands literally dirty. However, most of us don’t realize how fulfilling gardening is, regardless of age. Adding brick patio design to a simple garden can enhance its overall look and appeal.

Common gardening mistakes

Gardening can be an exciting project to start with. However, it is important not to commit the following mistakes when you want to create and maintain a backyard garden.

You water the plants the wrong way.

A lot of people water their plants when the sun is already up. However, this is not recommended. Instead, it is better to water the plants first thing in the morning or before you go to sleep to maintain moisture level. Also, make sure to water the plants and let it be absorbed by the soil completely.

Bigger is not always better.

In fact, you can build your own backyard garden no matter how big or small your lawn or backyard is. Local patio builders would recommend smaller gardens as these require less maintenance. There are many gardening ideas you can get inspiration from, which will be discussed in the next few paragraphs.

Drowning your house plants.

By this, it means watering your house plants too much. Indoor plants have different water level needs than outdoor plants. You can sprinkle a little bit of water on them instead.

Over-trimming the lawn

A lot of homeowners tend to trim the lawn too much. It is termed as “scalping”. If you scalp your lawn too much, it will become a problem during the hot season. Instead, consider letting the grass grow a little longer to retain its moisture. Make sure to water it early morning or before bedtime. Patio contractors will also help in improving your garden.

Gardening ideas

You don’t have to have a large backyard to build a garden. In fact, you can even have your own mini-garden even without a backyard at all. Hiring patio builders will also help build your dream garden. Here are some gardening ideas you can get inspiration from.

  • Make a vertical garden by using a hanging file organizer. It can also help save space and suits all types of homes.
  • Use your backyard fence to attach plant containers. It looks neat and innovative.
  • Be creative. Use old and unused tools as plant containers. Whether old mailboxes or a tin pail, you can repurpose it and turn it into a quirky plant container.
  • If you have extra outdoor space at home, make an extension of your living room. You can decorate the area by yourself, or hire a professional masonry contractor to help build a small relaxation area in your backyard. Don’t forget to add potted plants, too!

Whether you have a small or big backyard, having a garden can make a difference to your home. You may make your home attractive and productive at the same time. It can also add value to your property in case you sell it in the future. Make sure to take care of it to keep its health and beauty at all times.

Garden maintenance tips

Here are some tips to keep your garden looking good all the time:

  • Watering your plants up to twice a week is already enough. Don’t over-water them or they won’t grow well. Water early in the morning or early evening.
  • Water the roots, not the leaves. Water droplets left on the leaf surface can act as a magnifying glass and burn the foliage.
  • Water the lawn as well (aside from your backyard garden).
  • Use mulch to prevent weed growth. If weeds do grow, kill it by its source instead of just cutting the leaves and stem.

Build your dream garden

There are a lot of patio companies in Long Island that can help build your dream garden. Contact one today and check out their sample portfolio for ideas.

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