Backyard Waterfall Contractor: Waterfall Installation And Tips

backyard waterfall contractor

Are you planning on installing a backyard waterfall? You need to work with a reputable backyard waterfall contractor to help you with the installation:

How to give your waterfall a natural look

When you are looking to install the waterfall, you should work at ensuring that it looks as natural as possible. There are many ways of making it possible. Some of these ways include:

Consider the source: Where is the water coming from? Most of the backyard waterfalls are made from biological filter boxes. To give your waterfall a natural look, hide the boxes using rocks and surrounding plants. Of course, you should leave enough access room so that you can easily maintain the waterfall.

If the water is coming from a wellspring, work with your contractor and design it in such a way that you have the impression of a still pool.

Make use of rocks: There is no waterfall without rocks. To give your unit the impression that the stone is emerging from the earth, burry the stones as much as you can. For ideal look, ensure that they are buried at an angle—they shouldn’t be plopped on top.

Consider size: Here you need to pay attention to the size of your yard and compare it to the size of the waterfall that you want to install. As rule of thumb, install a unit that complements the size of your yard.

Guide to taking care of your waterfall

When you install the waterfall, you need to take good care of it, for it to last for a long time and also to look good. One of the things you should do is to limit the amount of sunlight that it’s exposed to. This is to minimize the amount of water that evaporates from the water feature.

You can quickly do this by constructing the waterfall in an area that is away from direct sunlight. You also should consider planting around the edges of the waterfall thus providing a shade.

Another thing you need to do is to watch the quality of water that gets in the waterfall. At least once a week, test the water. This is of great importance if you have fish in your pond.


This is what you need to know about waterfall construction and care. In addition to working with the waterfall contractor, you also need to work with the masonry contractor who will help you with directions on how to install waterfall at the right place.

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