Retaining Wall Contractors: Taking A Look At Cheap Retaining Wall Options

retaining wall contractors

Retaining walls prevent rocks and loose soil from getting to the public areas of your yard. The walls are made from a wide range of materials and all you need to do is work with your retaining wall contractors and choose the right one for your needs.  It can be expensive to put up a good quality wall but if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, there are a number of cheap options that you can go with. The most common options are:

Concrete bag retaining walls

These are simple walls that you achieve by putting concrete in a bag and exposing it to moisture. You should then arrange the bags like bricks. In addition to these bags effectively preventing soil from getting to the unwanted areas, they are also cheap. It will cost you about $3 for every concrete bag that you install. Since the bags are big, you don’t need many of them to protect your yard. If you want to make the wall interesting, you can paint it.

Gathered stone retaining wall

Natural stone is durable and gives a beautiful finish. Since you don’t have money, you should avoid buying the stones—you should gather the stones from your local area and using creativity and cement, put them together.  For ideal results, you should hire a masonry contractor to help you with the installation. If you want an interesting look, go for fancy cultured stones.

Tire retaining walls

On a casual look, tires are cheap and ugly looking but when you know how to work with them you can have a highly effective and beautiful retaining wall. The cool thing with tires is that they are easy to find. They are also long lasting thus you don’t have to replace them every now and then. You should fill the tires with compacted dirt or gravel and use wires or steel posts to hold them in place. There are many ways in which you can place the tires—it all depends on your imagination.

Timber retaining walls

Timber is a renewable resource thus a cheap retaining wall option. You should hire a contractor to help you with the installation. If you have the skills you can install the walls on your own. To ensure that you use a pattern that accentuates the look of your landscape, you should work closely with your landscaping company. While the retaining wall works perfectly and is affordable, its main flaw is that it tends to degrade after being exposed to sunlight and moisture for some time. Due to this, you have to regularly replace it.

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