Retaining Wall Contractors: Exciting Front Yard Retaining Wall Ideas

retaining wall contractors

When constructing a retaining wall in your front yard you want a unit that will not only prevent soil erosion, but one that will also improve the appeal of the yard. To help you out, here are ideas recommended by retaining wall contractors:

Waterfall retaining wall

If you are dealing with a stream running though your yard you should consider installing a wall that functions like a waterfall. You should construct a wall in your gutter system and to create the waterfall effect add rocks and plants to the streaming water. When constructing the wall, construct it in a way that it gently slopes away. The slope gets rid of the drainage water and the waterfall effect gives your front yard a great look.

Slopping walls

A slopping wall is ideal for you if you want the benefits of a retaining wall, but you don’t want to go through the trouble of installing a stable wall. All you have to do is ask your retaining wall contractor to add stones to the walls of your house and keep them sloped in order to properly drain water.

Deck wall

A deck wall allows you to easily control soil erosion on a steep slope. All you need to do is create a container garden around your deck and then plant trees in the backyard in order to prevent erosion. For a great look, ensure that the plants that you use complement the look of your yard.

Loosely piled rock retaining wall

Even if you are operating on a tight budget there is no reason why you can’t have a beautiful wall. You should place loosely piled rocks on your yard and this way you will not only prevent soil erosion, but also give your yard a rustic look. You should use rectangular or square rocks to prevent the rocks from rolling away. As rule of thumb you shouldn’t use round rocks. To give the wall an interesting look use rocks of different sizes. If possible, use rocks of different colors that complement the look of your yard and house.

Stone wall with steps

This wall functions as part of your walkway to the door and also as a drainage system. The opening provided by the steps will give your yard a natural entryway while the slope provides you with the much needed drainage system.


These are some of the ideas that you can use to get rid of drainage problems in your front yard and at the same time give your yard a beautiful and interesting look. For ideal results, work with an experienced masonry contractor.

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