Patio Design Company: Common Patio Design Mistakes To Avoid

patio design company

When you are designing a patio, you need to work with a reputable patio design company that will help you through the process. The company will also assist you in avoiding making some of the most common mistakes made by people creating their patios for the first time.

Common patio design mistakes

Decorating like it’s indoors: This is a pervasive mistake made by most first time designers. Due to lack of knowledge, the designers will decorate their patios as if they are decorating their sitting rooms. You will find some of them placing the regular coffee table and even a sofa on the patio. Which is wrong.

Remember that the furniture you install will be exposed to harsh environmental conditions such as a harsh sun, the wind, and even rain. This puts the units at the risk of getting damaged fast. If you have to install a sofa, don’t go for the regular one. The best one to go for is a sturdy, leather-made unit that will withstand the elements.

Failure to include plants: I’m sure that you have seen a patio that has nothing other than furniture. It looks dull, doesn’t it? To liven up the patio, you should include both the living and non-living elements. This calls for you to also include potted plants, dish garden, patio trees, and even cut roses in addition to furniture. The plants will soften the patio and even improve its smell.

Using the wrong colors: Some people will install the right furniture, but they will fail miserably on their color choices. Using the wrong colors gives your patio a sad look regardless of the quality of the elements you have installed there. To be on the safe side, you should research before purchasing to ensure that you are buying units that complement the look of the patio. If you aren’t sure of the right color to go with, get the input of a reputable landscaping company.

Wrong arrangement of the furniture

How the furniture is arranged not only affects the look of the patio, it also affects the conversations that you are having. When organizing the furniture, place them in such a way that the chairs are close enough such that you can comfortably carry on a conversation without shouting.


These are some of the mistakes you should avoid making when designing your patio. As mentioned above, you should work with a knowledgeable brick patio design contractor or any other professional to come up with a great layout.

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