Landscaping Company: Tips On How To Maintain Your Landscape

Landscaping company

Your landscape greatly affects the look of your house. To maintain a beautiful landscape you need to observe a number of tips:

Watch the condition of your lawn

The lawn is the first thing that you see when you look in your yard. To have an easy time maintaining your lawn you should work with you landscaping company and find the best indigenous grass to use. In addition to the grass being easy to maintain, it’s also resistant to pests and diseases. Experts recommend that you regularly apply fertilizer on your lawn for the grass to be healthy. To cut on the amount of money that you spend on fertilizers you should cut on the amount that you apply. You should mow the grass high and leave mulch clipping on your lawn in order to provide nutrients and also shade the soil. The clippings are also effective in reducing evaporation thus you spend less water.

Plant the right plants in your landscape

The plants that you use can make or break your yard. Just like when planting grass in your yard, you should use plants that are indigenous to your area. You should have at least one tree in your yard to provide beauty and shade. You should also have flowers that have already adapted to your site’s climate. You should add mulch around the plants to prevent them from drying. When watering them, only water the roots—you shouldn’t shower the leaves. This is to reduce the risk of the plants developing fungal diseases.

Regularly irrigate your landscape

To keep your plants green all year round you should regularly irrigate them. To save on the amount of money that you spend on irrigation, use efficient systems. You should also regularly inspect the systems for cracks, leaks, and clogs. Experts recommend that you go for soaker hoses that cut water use by up to 70%. To avoid wastage you should avoid applying water on plants that don’t require it.


To reduce the work that goes into maintaining your lawn you should consider installing a unit that improves the look of your yard and at the same time doesn’t require a lot of care like it’s the case with the lawn. One of the best units that you should install is the patio. You should work with your brick patio contractor and come up with a patio design that complements your house.

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